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Ron Bracale's Music

    The chart 'MODES' represents a set of options playing music in various modes. This allows one to improvise as well as translate between Western notation, written notation of a Sargam (or Raga Song) and Shakuhachi flute in standard Honkyoku notation. In this sense it serves as a sort of quick reference look up chart. The chart 'MODES' also represents a great learning tool for practicing Shakuhachi, Bansuri, or any melodic instrument, as well as for initially learning the modes.

    The shakuhachi and bansuri flutes are very different in the notes which the open holes play: The Shakuhachi being a five note minor pentatonic and the bansuri being a six hole major scale flute. Both flute traditions employ all twelve notes through playing techniques. Both musics are relational and are played with different root notes on different length flutes.

    The Bansuri Indian flute places the root note "Sa' in the middle of the flute and this allows notes below the root, but less notes above. Translation from a Raga to a Shakuhachi involves some personal choice decisions. The Shakuhachi modes are written to either play traditionally from the root (Ro) or from the middle heart of the shakuhachi at the note Re. There is indications that before written notation Re was sometimes considered the tonic of the Shakuhachi. The chart shows the seven Modes and the ten Thaats.

Columns are to be read vertically.

*** Top Left: Western Intervals. ***
*** Top Right: Raga notation. ***
*** Bottom Left: Shakuhachi from Re. ***
*** Bottom Right: Shakuhachi from Ro. ***


MODES (Large for printing)