Kokopelli's flute of mystical love
with the drone of the art of sacred union.
Kokopelli's Flute
(also called an Ancient Pueblo, Anasazi, or Chaco Canyon flute)
is a brilliant design which lends itself
to a great variety of tonal expression.
It is also a modern evolutionary form of flute
in that the refinements of machining
and the design of the blowing edge have been applied
to the basic design of the ancient archeological relics.
Kokopelli Yoga explores some of the vast capabilities
of this exquisite new instrument with deep ancient connections.
Kokopelli Yoga is played with a Tanpura drone
from the tradition of India.
In playing with a drone I am playing with pure or just intonation
as all ancient peoples would have.
Equal temperament is a modern mode of intonation
that has been prevalent for the last century,
and while allowing modern keyboards and jazz,
it also loses some of the purity and emotion
which pure intonation can express.
All songs were played on an Earth Tone flute
with a root note in A made from curly redwood,
though I used raga to inform my playing in many different modes.
I hope that the colorful expression
and the versatile modal tonalities excite
and satisfy your musical palate
and deepen your appreciation for this amazing flute design.
I also hope that you sense the deeply mystical
and healing nature of this music.
Please feel it as music of the human spirit,
letting the intellect step aside
to sense the connection of the Sentient Universe.
Kokopelli's flute is the flute of love
and generative creative energy.
This music is great for doing Yoga, Chi Gong, or Tai Chi
where you are generating the vital waters of life,
prana or chi, for a long and health productive life.
It is also excellent music for creative endeavors,
whether that is a work of art, writing,
or creating some new computer app.
Through the receptivity of the sound flowing into your being,
the expression of your spirit may be stimulated
into true creativity.
When doing energy work let your creative spirit calm out
and allow the experience of that which is beyond words,
the divine and mysterious essence. Peace and Love. Ron
- Inner Peace
- Lotus Beauty
- Healing Water
- Spirit Fire
- Heart Cave
- Turquoise Pearl
- Divine Bliss
- Astral Dance
- Breath of Life
- Glowing Flows
- Diamond Mind
- Sacred Union
- Moonlight Touch
- Psychic Winds
Total Time = 58:07
Kokopelli Yoga - Streaming:
Kokopelli Yoga - Streaming